[The following flows from a discussion that we had recently on ITZI Supprt Zoom]
What follows below is quite condensed yet by no means exhaustive. The methods are as innumerable as the cases and the amount that can be said about right view is similar
By seriousness frivolity can have a root. By calm impatience.can have a master. Thus the nobleman travels all day long never leaving the heavy wagons. Although one have a
It is notable how symptoms of social disintegration have been multiplying recently. The politics of the UK and of the USA have not been so turbulent for a long time; France is in the grip of rather chaotic public demonstrations the objective of which
A basic problem is that the British side is run by politicians and the European side by bureaucrats. As a sweeping generlisation, politicians do not mean what they say, are willing to vote tactically and to change allegiance when it suits whereas bur
The basic problem for the world at the moment is that we have had an economic system that has kind-of worked for several hundred years but is reaching its sell-by date, but, as yet, we have no credible alternative on offer. The fact of reaching an en
TRANSLATION The appearance of a person of high Te (virtue) is due to nothing except the Tao. The activity of Tao is vague and indistinct: so indistinct
Richard Ollier has recently published an essay in the Journal of Global Buddhism "Dharmavidya’s Engagement with Hōnen: How a Contemporary British Pureland Buddhist Teacher Retrieves his Japanese Spiritual Heritage"*
I have recently read an essay about Theravada meditation. Of its type it is an excellent essay. It decribes samatha (calm meditation) and vipassana (insight meditation) and the relations between them, showing how in some schools samatha provides a fo
TEXT 绝圣弃智,民利百倍; 绝仁弃义,民复孝慈; 绝巧弃利,盗贼无有。 此三者以为文不足, 故令有所属; 见素抱朴, 少私寡欲; 绝学无忧。
TRANSLATION Give up holiness, abandon wisdom and people benefit a hundredfold. Give up humanism (ren), abandon appropriateness (yi) and people become filial and compassionate. Give up takin
When the great Tao is lost we have benevolence and appropriateness. When cleverness springs up we have great hypocrisy. When the six relations are on bad terms we have filial obedience and pare
TEXT 太上,不知有之; 其次,亲而誉之; 其次,畏之; 其次,侮之。 信不足焉,有不信焉。 悠兮,其贵言。 功成事遂,百姓皆谓“我自然”。
TRANSLATION The master of Tao does not know he has it. Next to him is the person who relates to it and praises it. The next best fears it, then come those who ridicule it. If there i