Before the Buddha begins to actually preach the Lotus Sutra, as he arises from Samhadi various phenomena occur. This is a watercolor, ink, and acrylic done on text page from Threefold Lotus Sutra. I am inviting members of my temple to explore how these events or teachings found int he Lotus Sutra have occurred or been present in their lives. When I first made a commitment to practice the Lotus Sutra I was in the US Marine Corps during Vietnam time. I was seriously considering ending my life, I felt hopeless and without a future, I was opposed to the war, and even serving as a conscientious objector I felt lost and in personal conflict. This image represents the emotions and events of the first encounter with a Sangha of practitioners of the Lotus Sutra. Walking home to the barracks I felt alive for the first time in a long time. I felt there was hope. I felt I had found direction and purpose. The night was a cold December evening in 1969. I had just spent two hours with over 30 other young men my age practicing the dharma. The stars seemed as if within reach. The colors and energy were surreal and yet real. That was a long time ago, yet only yesterday. The excitement and the hope has not dwindled or faded.
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