Back in Spain, I am realising of the powerful energy of Eleusis, its rythm, its sangha, its spaces, its people... I really think that it is a good place to be for a while. In a short period of time it has triggered many interesting processes in me. Not only this; it has also given a frame of respect and support; it has let those personal processes evolve with their own pace.
I am very thanked to the kindness and generosity to each and everyone that I have met here. Specially the supporters, who make possible a space like this, where so many important things happen for those in quest. And the ordained community, specially Rev. Dharmavidya and Rev. Jnanamati. A smile come to my face when I think in Dharmavidya: his compassion, his humor, his kindness. As for Jnanamati, what to say of that earnest practicioner whose love for the Dharma and the Order is so important. It`s been very nice to be with you this time. Well, now I am quite worried about you because I have been seeing Dharmavidya's photos and, unfortunately... all the area where you did the removing of nettles and weeds near the Bamboo Grove it's been covered again!! Not everything is not impermanent :)
In a word, THANKS!
Big hugs and hope to see you soon,