On the Bodhi Retreat 7-13 December In Amida Mandala Malvern, I was ordained as Amita Vajrapala, a Gankonin in the Amida Order, vocation as a disciple to the service of the Buddhas and budhisattvas to help and serve all sentient beings.
The transmission of Amida's light was transmitted to me by the precepts I discided to take, by the kind love, care and wisdom off Dharmavidaya David Brazier, by Sujatin and Jnanamati - who helped, supported and assisted me - and by the support and longing of the assembled Amida Sangha.
This step deepened my joyful faith in indescribable ways. A deep bow for all the ancestors, all Amida Sangha, all friends. May the light of Amida always guide my steps and shrine through me to all sentient beings. Namo Amida Bu.