All Shu members are this year invited to this big event in the Amida calendar, at the home of Dharmavidya, Head off the Amida Order, here in France. This retreat is an opportunity to enter more deeply into the Pure Land practice and the fundamental teachings of Buddha: to recognise our human nature and to let in the Dharma. Dharmavidya has referred to Pure Land Buddhism as "refuge Buddhism", and explains that all Buddhist practice invites us to deepen our refuge. Though there seem to be many practices, they all have the same essence of opening our hearts, receiving the grace - other power - of the Dharma, and allowing this spirit of love and compassion to fill our lives. How are the Buddhas able to live such lives? Only by relying upon this eternal wisdom of profound acceptance that transcends ordinary human nature. This retreat will include services, nembutsu chanting, silent contemplation, personal enquiry, group sharing and dharma talks from the Acharyas and Dharmavidya. Also, time to relax and catch up with each other, enjoy the garden, walks, and beautiful nature around Eleusis. Retreats help us to feel more deeply connected to other shu members. 

Suggested donation: 45 £/euro per day for the retreat days and 30 £/euro per day for any additional days before or after, but all gifts are welcome and the Dharma is without price.

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