Geese! How high they fly, filling the sky
with their ardent urging,
pressing southward in
a long V across the blue heaven.
Here below I move rocks, earth and sand
and sing the dharani
of immortality
amrita sambhave!
There is something clean about silence
and purely natural sound.
Today the sun has come out
shining until evening.
The cat ambles about
from one hot spot to another
while I gather and fold the laundry,
finally dry after hanging through the rain.
My friends are gone now,
each on their pathway
seeking and finding,
I alone remain.
After the sunset
stars fill the icy sky.
It will be colder tonight.
I bring the geraniums indoors.
Safely inside, I light a fire,
the cat takes up residence
in the warmest chair
and I give thanks for the day.
Thank you, Vajra.
I feel very moved by this beautiful poem.
Wish you much goods on your journey in silence.
Having faith that all the Buddhas around you will hold you and lead you.
Namo Amida Bu