MONDAY 15 Aug ~ The Storm ~ by Jan

The storm is approaching from the East. It’s taking a long time to reach us and we all send our prayers out for rain to enliven the dusty landscape. It is a magnificent mélange of a dark angry wall and swirling, multi-layered white, lightning both horizontal, underscoring the clouds, and jagged vertical stabs, a sangha of harmonic disturbance, backdrop for a cruising buzzard riding the drafts. The bamboo grove was the first to whisper the near approach. How much pleasure it must be for the bamboo to dance with the wind.

When the storm is truly upon us, we take up positions of tribute. I stand before the shrine room and experience the possibility of being lifted up by some impossible cosmic shift. Adam is out towards the bamboo grove, Elja leans out the upper portal, Yvette, Sol, Naomi clustered in the lower one and Dharmavidiya sips tea under the walnut tree, while our Dharma cat, Tara is spoiled for choice as to which flying leaf to chase. All of us in our own way, taking refuge in Amitabha. A beautiful Eleusis life.

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  • Yes, it was dramatic. The thunder went on continuously for several hours.

  • We, at Oasis,  also watched the storm coming last night with a bit of fear, but also awe. There is something awesome indeedin that we witness what is happening but have no control over it.Dies iraie! 

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