I've been getting rather lax at keeping the web site up to date. I have become absorbed in doing practical tasks and rather avoided the internet as much as possible in the last ten days or so. Sometimes one needs a break from the screen.
The weather here has been mild during this time. It is still so today, but now pouring with rain so it feels rather snug up here in the attic with only a layer of tile between one and the outside - a bit like being in a big tent. Mostly, however, I have been spending time in the barn which is a much bigger and more solid stone edifice, though drafty because of lacking some doors and window. My recent efforts have been dedicated to remedying this situation, at least to a small degree. Carpentry and building is a good spiritual practice since one is working with natural materials - wood and stone - that all have their own character and cannot be simply subjected to one's will. There are many problems to solve and quite often, especially given that I am a self-taught beginner, one has to recognise that one has gone wrong and undo, as best one can, a day's effort and start again. All the while one is learning, especially learning patience.
Winter is approaching and, as usual, the community dwindles. Elja is now going to Netherlands and Adam returning to England. I shall remain here until later in the year and then I too will return to UK at least for a short time. These, however, are plans and intentions and one can never be sure how it is all going to work out.
Thank you, Jan, that's wonderful. Namo sarvadeva, svaha! (Homage to all the gods).
I'm glad that you like the new header, Nati. It is a photo I took in 2011.
Adam left this morning. He will stay with Susthama tonight in watford near to London and then go on to Bristol.
I am very glad for those plans and intentions...Namo Amida Bu
( By the way,I love the new header of the site :) )
One is never alone. :-) Namo Amida Bu.
Have a good time there on your own!!
Namo Amida Bu