SUNDAY 21st Aug ~ Big Departure Day

When we woke up this morning we were a community of seven, but by coffee time there were just Adam and I left. Elja, Naomi and two guests left for Netherlands, and another en route for Hawaii. It is quite a contrast and it feels a little strange having so much space all to ourselves again.

Today there is wind and grey sky, also quite a contrast from recent hot weather. This also tended to reinforce the sense of 'end of summer'. The hint of autumn in the air is turning our minds toward preparations for the colder season.

A couple of days ago we had a fire in the Aphrodite Field. We have been cutting blackthorn all summer on and off and the heap gradually gets bigger, so we have been anticipating having a fire for a while. It went extremely well, burning exactly as we planned. I think the goddess will be happy. Noami did a good job helping and also took some pictures. Here is one of them.

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