
- workmen came and cleaned one of our roofs.

- I tinkered with the final chapter of my Dogen book. I am not happy with it yet. More thought required.

- wrote an answer in Questions in the Sand about Secondary Faculties. Not a gripping title, but I think the points here are important ones.

- did some weeding. Very pleased to see all the roses. The mint bed is getting over-grown. Still a lot of vivid poppies in the garden.

- sawed up some old wood that will add to the firewood store ready for next winter. I don't think our wood store has ever been so full at this time of year.

- put in "lawn edge" metal strip around half of the rose garden. It looks fantastic. Must get some more to do the other half.

- put mulch on the rose bed

- moved some wood in the barn that was in the way of my next project, which will be to start laying the floor on the other side, opposite the one already laid. This will take a while. In the process discovered some old cement that has set hard as rock and some old lime that, remarkably, looks to be still usable.

- set up scaffolding under where the stair well will be. Decided that this will actually not be symetrical with the other side as one joist is distinctly less impressive than all the others so it would make sense to take that one out to make the well.

- managed to have two of the three meals of the day outside in the sunshine. Around dinner time we had a short shower of rain accompanied by some thunder so had to eat indoors. Adam cooked a nice meal and it was topped off with some of our first crop of home grown strawberries.

- I like to have a break after a meal for the sake of digestion, so after lunch I sat in the deckchair and read Myself When Young by Daphne Du Maurier. It is full of nostalgia for me for a time long past, though I was not from so privileged a family as she. One envies such a childhood, brought up by caring parents, surrounded by books, stimulating company and intelligent conversation. At the same time, it makes one very aware of how much difference circumstances make. Many children grow up in homes with no books and no such stimulation.


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  • Yes, with reorganising the barn we've got room for lots of stuff now :-) NAB.

  • I'll see how things go . .  I guess it depends how fast I manage to pack everything! I've lived here for 10 years so I've gathered a lot of stuff.

    Namo Amida Bu

  • You could move here !

    Hope you can make it. Be lovely to see you.

    Yes, the barn that joined onto the house. If we can put in a floor in the hay loft it will double the amount of usable space.

    Namo Amida Bu !

  • Sounds like you've been very busy, What are you doing in the barn? Is it the one that joins onto the side of the main house?

    Would love to come and visit in the summer, but I'm not really sure if it's feasible since I also have to move house :(


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