TUESDAY 9 feb; On Parole

David is on parole for this night. Officially he will be allowed to leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon. However, yesterday he got a new roommate, a patient who shouts all day and all night. The poor man is clearly in much distress. Of course, it also made it rather difficult for David to sleep last night.


When Adam and I arrived in the hospital today I asked the doctor if I could take David home for the night and promised to bring him back to the hospital tomorrow. The doctor was already sensitive to the problem and he gave his permission (with some twinkle lights in his eyes) but I had to promise to have David back at eight o'clock tomorrow morning for his injection and morning medication.

Good hands

They are still having difficulty getting David's medication level right. A friend of ours, Carol, also a member of the Eleusis site, gave me a tip that some vegetables and drinks affect the medicine warfarin, so I read about it on the internet. Today I asked about it in the hospital. I am impressed by the staff in this hospital because there was a quick response. This afternoon a dietician stood beside David's bed answering our questions about vitamin K and how it effects blood thinners. In a mixture of English and French we talked about it and a couple of hours later she came back with advice and information written in English (with help from google translator) about the influence of certain vegetables on the medication. Wonderful so fast and so kind. The doctor is man of few words, but when I have questions or worries he immediately takes action or sends someone with information. I have had the feeling that David has been in good hands in this hospital.

A good night sleep

And now he is on parole, sitting beside me close to the woodstove in the newly prepared room. I can see that the short journey of half an hour by car from the hospital took a lot out of him. I hope a good night's sleep in his own bed will compensate the journey by car. But his appetite is good and David enjoyed the meal Emma and Mike had cooked yesterday. We shall all go to bed quite early tonight.

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  • Glad to hear that David is at home - at least overnight - I can see from his feet, that he feels very cozy and warm! Bonne nuit et à bientôt!


  • Just back from NZ and catching up on news. Very glad you are back in Eleusis on parole Dharmavidya  hope all goes well with the treatment so you can stay( and have a bit more varied diet!)Lovely that Emma and Mike made it over and that you have Adam to help Elja take care of you Namo Amida Bu much love Modgala

  • :-) <3
  • Great to see you at home David . Fantastic news X
  • Namo Amida Bu. Looks good and cosy! Nice to be out amongst the living I bet.
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