WEDNESDAY 27 Jan ~ Medical Report

In the morning I had a couple of turns of vertigo after slight effort and realised i must be worse. I went back to bed and slept all morning. Elja wanted to get me to a doctor. In due course, Annette arrived. She agreed and the two of them whisked me off to Sancoins, our local town. The doctor checked me over and discovered that my basic functions - heart, etc. - were normal, but hypothesised that I might have a blood clot on the lung. That would account for the sudden onset, problem with breath, sudden loss of strength, and mild chest pain.  It was reassuring to know something, and especially that I do not have any serious heart problem, but it is still a bit uncertain. We came home and I went back to bed. My own intuitive sense is that I need  lot of sleep. Sleep is the best doctor - old Greek saying.

Annette is truly wonderful. She herself is only recently returned from having an eye operation, yet she was very caring and helpful today, as always, and when we got home and offered her tea, she said that she had to hurry off because there is another neighbour that she is also looking after. I feel very blessed that i live in a world of such people. It is surely her spiritual inspiration.

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  • Thank you, Annette

    Tamuly Annette said:

    I am wrting this for all the friends who have been thinking about Dharamvidya and I guess, praying for his recovery. Elja will certainly write something too: she spends most of the day at the hospital. David has been diagnosed with a serious embolism and is under anticoagulant since last night It was already a relief to hear that he could stay in St Amand hospital and didn't have to be transfered to Bourges.He is weel looked after Although he feels of course quite exhausted, he keeps his spirit. He said something this morning which I found very inspiring  "I  surrender".We all have to learn to simply say that in times of great trials! Thank you Dharmavidya!  . 

  • I am wrting this for all the friends who have been thinking about Dharamvidya and I guess, praying for his recovery. Elja will certainly write something too: she spends most of the day at the hospital. David has been diagnosed with a serious embolism and is under anticoagulant since last night It was already a relief to hear that he could stay in St Amand hospital and didn't have to be transfered to Bourges.He is weel looked after Although he feels of course quite exhausted, he keeps his spirit. He said something this morning which I found very inspiring  "I  surrender".We all have to learn to simply say that in times of great trials! Thank you Dharmavidya!  . 

  • Hope you will recover soon. Think of you sending metta. Much love.

    Maitrisimha and Annetta

  • I am hoping it is just exhaustion and that rest will help a lot. But please continue to get things checked out just in case... Namo Amida Bu. Lots of love, Carol
  • Take good care Dharmavidya, thinking of you Wishing you mots of rest and good recovery. NAB

  • Thinking of you and sending much love. Namo Amida Bu 

  • I'm so glad that you have people to take care of you and to have made sure you saw a doctor! Prayers for a full and speedy recovery - and much love. Name Amida Bu

  • Get well soon. Sending lots of love and merit from us both. Mo & Peter xxx
  • Take care David! Hope you get well very soon!

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