Picking berries on one's own is a very silent activity. Here at La Ville au Roi much of the time there is no ambiant npoise whatsoever. With only the mantra rolling around my brain for company I set off to pick the first real takings. It is apparent that there is actually going to be a good crop this year. Most are not yet ripe but I came back with my bowl full. There are billions more on the way. Many are in parts of the thicket that are inaccessible, but if we can find the time we shall have plenty for jam making in the coming weeks.
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There'll be plenty for anybody who wants to visit.
Our own are not yet ripe in my garden and the hedgerows in bonny Scotland. I still have a little jam left from last autumn - some blackberry and some blackberry and apple. Looking forward to blackberry pie, blackberry and apple crumble...mmmm. Happy picking, cooking and eating at Eleusis, dear teacher - Namo Amida Bu!
Plenty of scope for jam making.
Yes! I come and join you this weekend. I am looking forward to pick some (billions...) blackberries and to make some jams!