All Discussions (133)

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QUESTION: How can I attain the right state of mind?

SHORT ANSWER: There is no right state. The mind is a river.

LONGER ANSWER: Body is not reliable, mind is not reliable. Let body and mind ‘fall away’. So long as we are obsessively worrying about our b

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QUESTION: I think I broadly understand deathless. The state of no rebirth and therefore no more death? How does deathless differ from immortal. If there is no more birth and no more death surely this is immortality?

SHORT ANSWER: The Deathless is ni

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QUESTION: How can one achieve lasting happiness?

SHORT ANSWER: Happiness is neither the goal nor the means, it is a side show.

LONGER ANSWER: Happiness is a frequent, but not essential, side product of a wholesomely productive life, but one does not ac

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QUESTION: Is there any value in being a hermit?

SHORT ANSWER: Yes, huge.

LONGER ANSWER: The hermit does not have the distraction of the deluded world. In nearly all the great religions there are hermits. In the theistic religions, being a hermit

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Beneficios del menbutsu

Me emociono al leeros porque ayer lo experimenté con mucha claridad: estábamos 13 mujeres  en un taller trabajando las cosas de la plenipausia, me tocaba ponerme al servicio de ellas, cuidarlas...  y eso me proporcionó  tanta plenitud, amor y felicid

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QUESTION: We had an interesting discussion about the sacred syllabe OM used in so many religions (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism...) Someone said that in a mantra, OM could be replaced by any other sound since we are the ones who give a sacred power to

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QUESTION: From the three poisons, I understand the concepts of greed and hate very well, but find delusion or ignorance more difficult to make sense of. Could you say something about it?

SHORT ANSWER: Delusion is pride.

LONGER ANSWER: Delusion is the

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QUESTION: It is said that awareness is the epitome of the Buddhist life. Do you agree?

SHORT ANSWER: Not the epitome, one element.

LONGER ANSWER: Awareness refers to alert consciousness. Alert conscious is one part of life and is valuable, but it

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QUESTION: Other traditions talk a lot about generating metta for our friends, acquaintances and enemies. How would we talk about this in the Pureland tradition?

SHORT ANSWER: Nembutsu is gratitude for Buddha's metta toward all beings.


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QUESTION: In one of your recent posts, you made the statement: "12. Nonduality is a dualistic theory." I was hoping you could elaborate a bit more on this statement, or perhaps point to a sutra or previous work where this is discussed. It is definite

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QUESTION: How do I proceed to live your Amidist take on the 4 Noble Truths and Eightfold Path?

SHORT ANSWER: Live wholeheartedly

LONGER ANSWER: In my understanding, the eightfold path is an outcome. You can try to mimic it if you like, but one is bou

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QUESTION: What exactly is the teaching/doctrine of no-birth? I can only come at that through the idea that there is no-thing to be born ... only causes and conditions out of which a transient reality emerges.  And that reality is ultimately all of th

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Bombs, Victims and Persecutors

QUESTION: With regard to the recent bombings in Brussels, is it better to suffer or to inflict injustice? Is it better to be the victim or the perpetrator?

SHORT ANSWER: All parties need our compassion and understanding.

LONG ANSWER: This is a complex

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QUESTION: What did the Buddha say about obedience?

SHORT ANSWER: Pay heed to the Dharma

LONG ANSWER: The definition of a Christian monk is a person who lives a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. Poverty and chastity are important values in Buddhi

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QUESTION: What does Aphrodite mean to you personally?

SHORT ANSWER: Love and freedom.

1148752827?profile=originalLONG ANSWER: I have a strong personal connection because of having spent much of my childhood in Cyprus which is the island of Aphrodite. In the ancient world she h

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