On the day that England and Wales voted to leave the European Union, I am starting this group as a place for political comment. The aim is to create a space where all and any issue of current affairs in the world can be discussed from a spiritual perspective.
Despite the grief, anxiety and disruption, there could also be an upside to the virus if it made people realise what matters and is essential and what is froth. During lock-down, the carbon foot print will shrink. Life becomes simpler. Although there is fear and anxiety about the virus, many other worries disappear or are put on hold. I live in a remote spot and do most of my work and communications from home on line. The current situation thus does not impinge much on my lifestyle. It is…
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I am gutted this morning , i really thought we would remain . I am not big on politics but i know this is a bad move ..We should be united not divided. Thanks for the invite and i look forward to the discussions.
The British, especially the English, do not understand the EU as being about peace and alliance, they understand it only in terms of money and immigration. I was shocked when I read the result. The British people will be shocked as the consequences become clear. Yes, a kind of karma.
I too ...even betted with colleagues (!!!) on BREMAIN.... This truly democratic decision still comes as a shock... Whilts the voters decision is always right,one can wonder about the reasons that triggered that vote... We are entering terrae incognitae in both "sides"... Sad time. We need to try and make it a source for a positive change in the EU.