MONDAY 21 Mar; Bugs in paradise

This morning David woke me up with a loud and happy Namo Amida Bu. He asked me if I want to join the morning service. Yes of course! We started the day with the four of us, including Josephine in the meditation hall. We had a lovely morning service, the first of this year. David seems to have passed a milestone in his recovery process. It was very nice to have the ceremony together. We practised some nei quan about the question: What did you received this last 24 hours?

One of the first things that appears to me in a very strong way is all the beauty in the nature of Eleusis. The richness of the woods, the fields, the tree and flowers, the changing light of morning, afternoon and evening, the warmth of the sun and all the spring freshness of air, bird melodies and new life everywhere around, it is a kind of paradise.


We had breakfast outside again with a morning teaching about the Summary of Faith and Practice. The daily teaching was about the primary faculties of practising; Maitri, (Loving Kindness) 'May the other be well and happy.' Karuna (Compassion) 'May the other be free from illness and misery' Mudita (Joy) that you feel when the other is doing well and is happy - the celebration of the happiness of others. And Upeksha (equanimity) that is what you need when the other is not happy, not doing well, when there is suffering and stress. When you take refuge in the Buddha, Maitri, Karuna, Mudita and Upeksha will come from the Buddha. It was a beautiful teaching, because of the clear words and somehow it sounds so complete.

Heavy work

After breakfast David, Adam, and Josephine started to do some heavy work; digging grass and stones. I took the task of admiring the hard workers, the dishes and taking care of the food and the drinks. My hip makes me avoid quite a lot of jobs. David is also a bit limited still but he joined in as much as he could.

Message of the universe?

My operation for my new hip is completely arranged and will take place in two weeks.... I thought …. but life is always full of surprises. Before my operation I had to do a MRSA test. MRSA is a bacteria that is resistant to some antibiotics. In Holland they call this bacterium 'the hospital bacterium' because the best place to get this bacterium is a hospital. And I spent some weeks visiting David in a French hospital. Well, I am infected. To make a long story short, the hospital where I was supposed to have my operation has cancelled the operation because of this bug. This will be the second delay of my operation. I don't know exactly what 'the message of the universe' is about getting a new hip, but the stars are certainly not in a hurry.

I have some mixed feelings about this. I feel happy that I can stay at Eleusis and stay with David. But I feel quite disabled with my leg. I need a night good sleep to realise what I think about this.


It is nice to share our daily life with our visitor Josephine. She has never been to Eleusis before nor met any of us so I suppose it must be a sort of adventure for her to stay here, but she fits in quite naturally. She joins the outside jobs and enjoys making a fire in the woodstove in her room.


Because of my limited possibilities of outside jobs I am finding some new interests, and one of them is cooking and baking. I have enjoyed making dinner very much this last couple of weeks. I take all the time I need for cooking and at the moment I have a special interest for making dahl and curries. I experiment with recipes from the internet and bit by bit I develop some of my own. If anyone has a special recipe for me, do send it – it will be very welcome. I have this idea that my new hobby in the kitchen will go on for a few more weeks yet.

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  • As I'm working in a hospital for revalidation, I can say that in our hospital, people with MRSA are separated from the others and must stay in their rooms so avoid that others should get the infection. They cannot go to the revalidation-exercices in group there for.

    Indeed it is dangereaous for old people. they can get it and get a treatment, what sometimes helps rather quick. Some die of it. I have an uncle who was 67 when he died off it. He was in rather good health, but his heart was week and I think that was the reason the MRSA could make him as ill.

    I hope you can find a good solution for your operation and revalidation after that. I hope you won't have to much pain.

    Namo Amida Bu

  • Thank you very much Nati, the recipe looks very nice!
    Nati said:

    Yes , this is a nice vegetarian version of Gulash. I send you as an attached file. I hope you can see it without  problems

  • Yes , this is a nice vegetarian version of Gulash. I send you as an attached file. I hope you can see it without  problems

    Vegetarian Gulash.docx

  • Hello Barbara thanks for your reply. Yes I heard from my doctor in Holland and from the doctor in France that this bacterium is not really a problem and that a lot of people has this bacterium too. Only the hospital I choose is making a big problem about it... I going to do some research and I try to find out if i can have my operation in France... That would be a very nice solution because than I can stay at Eleusis :-) 

    When you have a nice simple vegetarian recipe to share... i am looking forward to it! Always nice to have new inspiration.

    Barbara Jukes (Barbs) said:

    Sorry to hear that your operation has been postponed again, Elja. I believe MRSA is a very common bacterium, that is carried by a large percentage of the population. It isn't usually a problem unless it gets into the bloodstream of sick or vulnerable people (such as those in hospital!) as it can be resistant to the usual antibiotics. I hope they are able to reschedule your op soon and you're not in too much discomfort. 

    I shall be on the look-out for recipes. I'm no great cook myself, although we eat well. My style is quite plain and simple. Whilst I love eating curries, they seem quite complicated to me! 


  • Hi Nati, I am curious to your recipe... I know Gulash only as a meat dish.... do you have a vegetarian Gulash recipe?

    Nati said:

    I am not a very good cook, but I have a recipe I like very much and it is quite simple and easy (that is why I do it very happily)...It is Gulash, a hungarian recipe, do you know it? :)

  • Thank you Elja for your marvelous descriptions of your daily life.I am very glad for all of you enjoying your being together at Eleusis.

    I am not a very good cook, but I have a recipe I like very much and it is quite simple and easy (that is why I do it very happily)...It is Gulash, a hungarian recipe, do you know it? :)

  • Sorry to hear that your operation has been postponed again, Elja. I believe MRSA is a very common bacterium, that is carried by a large percentage of the population. It isn't usually a problem unless it gets into the bloodstream of sick or vulnerable people (such as those in hospital!) as it can be resistant to the usual antibiotics. I hope they are able to reschedule your op soon and you're not in too much discomfort. 

    I shall be on the look-out for recipes. I'm no great cook myself, although we eat well. My style is quite plain and simple. Whilst I love eating curries, they seem quite complicated to me! 

    I'm pleased that the weather is becoming warmer. Spring is a magical time. 

    I also enjoyed the Feeling Buddha, Josephine. 

  • We are like a family aren't we? Really enjoyed helping with the shredding machine today . Now awaiting the lovely aromas coming from Elija in the kitchen . Fire alight in my room , thank you Adam .. Reading next chapter of "The feeling Buddha" what joy !!!
  • It is a pleasure to have you with us, Josephine. You feel like part of the family.

  • I think you're cooking is wonderful Elija. Enjoyed everything you have made so far . Thankyou for making me look like I am
    Working so hard , giving orders come to mind ..
    Thank you for the experience here in this beautiful place .
    Namo amida bu
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