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Mid-March and we might still have frosts to come. Apart from the proud daffodils this is the season of tiny flowers. Can somebody identify these little wonders for me? We have millions of them...

1148781217?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Look at those lovely darker blue lines in the petals guiding any insect that might be braving this cool early season. Then there are great crowds of these even smaller white ones...

1148781297?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024But, of course, it is the daffs that catch most attention...


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  • We have them in Canada too. Very tiny, you have to get down into the grass to see them well.
  • That sounds very possible. We have millions of them because the grass was cut. They only grow where it is short. Yesterday the daisies came out too.

  • I think that the little blue ones are "veronicas"...But I do not know if they have another name in English

    They are so cute:)

  • In the woods there are a lot of violets and occasional celandines and buttercups.

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