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Visit to Germany and Netherlands

I have just returned to Eleusis in France after two weeks away.  The firsr week was in Hamberg, Germany and the second in Den Haag in Netherlands. While I was in Germany I led a workshop on the theme of the book The Feeling Buddha which is essentially about the interpretation of the "Four Noble Truths" - more correctly "Four Truths for Noble Ones".  There were ten participants, plus Tineke Osterloh, the host who also did translation, and myself.  It was the first in-person event I have done for a long time and my first travel outside France for a couple of years due to covid.  The event went well with a good atmosphere developing between the group members.  During my stay I had a couple of days to see around Hamberg, which was nice.  Then I drove to Den Haag where I stayed with friends who live in a co-housing project.  It was good to see them after such a long absence and we had a lot to talk about.  It feels good to have made a forray to more distant parts after all the confinement of the pandemic.

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