The question of faith and works is a longstanding religious debate. It is one of the main divides between Protestants and Catholics, for instance. Protestants, in principle, believe that faith in God’s love should be sufficient w
A shrine is a sacred place where one can be in touch with the spirit of a sage or holy being. In Buddhism, the term shrine is used both for large temples dedicated to a Buddha, bodhisattva or other holy being as well as to the smallest home altar or
Aprile ha un atteggiamento, non puoi predire il suo umore. Stamattina una tiepida brezza ha spazzato sopra la terra. Ero felice di essere accarezzato da esso, quest'aria dal profondo sud, forse persino dal Sahara. Sono andato giù alla zona dei bambù
Rifletto su cosa dovrei fare della mia giornata. Non c'è molto che è necessario in questa vita, ma molto che può essere apprezzato. La gente della città tutti vivono come schiavi, mentre i padroni scambiano insulti nelle sale della ricchezza e del po
I've been rereading Freud's Mourning and Melancholia, an essay that he wrote round about the time of the start of the First World War. I wrote these notes to sort it out in my own mind, but you might find them helpful.
If there anyone I envy, it’s old Diogenes, dog that he was and I more a cat. But… Oh to be in a world where such naturalness was possible! I hope we have a few sparks in common. Like that honest man, I am a citizen of nowhere in particular. Which polis? “Co
Un profeta nel deserto mi sto sediendo e mangiando il mio pane quotidiano mentre le locuste consumano il mondo. Il sole splende alla mia finestra come brillerà quando siamo andati, quando finestre essiste non di più. È una vita semplice qui in campagna, una
In this piece I would like to briefly restate my understanding of the Four Truths. This is already set out in my books The Feeling Buddha and Not Everything is Impermanent and will be familiar to those of my students who follow my work closely. It wi
Seduto sotto il noce Guardo la luna piena che sale Il sole è tramontato, gli uccelli si sistemano, la notte è in arrivo. Una grande pace avvolge. Sotto l'albero i narcisi brillano in mezzo a un tappeto di fiori primaverili selvaggi. Sorseggio il mio tè e ri
Sitting under the walnut tree I watch the full moon rising. The sun has set, the birds are settling, night is on the way. A great peace enfolds. Under the tree, daffodils shine amidst a carpet of wild spring flowers. I sip my tea and ponder. Yesterda
The medical metaphor is used a lot in Buddhist studies. The Buddha is sometimes referred to as “the great physician” curing the dis-eases of the world. The Four Truths which are fundamental to Buddhism - dukkha, samudaya, nirodha and marga -
I do find myself feeling very suspicious of the UK actions around the poisoning of Skripal. Of course, there is no way to know the truth of the matter, but it feels like a put up job. Methinks the lady doth protest too much. There seems to be no actu
So what, now, is the colour of your soul Does it change? Will it flaunt a gaudy frock? Is it young, yet with a lining old as gold? Does it rhyme like the ticking of a clock?
Do you ever wear a rainbow as a shirt when you really should have kept things mo
Today I did not set eyes upon another human being all day. That is not an unusual occurrence here. Life as a hermit is quiet. Sometimes my mind become very quiet in the midst of ll this tranquility. Nonetheless, I do like to keep abreast opf what is
THE ARRIVAL OF HYPERSONIC MISSILES Russia, it seems, now has missiles that can penetrate the North American defense shield. Deterrence is defense. Russia cannot afford a defense shields so it has developed new offensive weapons instead - a cheaer and
After two months in Italy, teaching and learning, it was good to get back to La Ville au Roi and see that the walls and roof were still in place and nature had not completely taken over. Then, almost immediately, I had a trip to Belgium and Netherlan
A few years ago I predicted that Turkey would seek to occupy the Sunni parts of Syria. I am, therefore, interested to see what happens with the current Turkish incursion and capture of Afrin. When examining these international conflicts one has to av
Negative thoughts and feelings are a bane of human life. They are the downside of the great gift of imagination. A person insults one in some way and one finds oneself riling with unwanted emotions. Thoughts of vengance, or bitterness, or guilt, or m
I am at Vajra’s. Here the day starts with meditation. I sit. How does one meditate? I have been doing it for decades. I must have sat thousands of hours now - but how really should one meditate? I feel even more ignorant now than when I started all t