Jimena Balli Garza and Iris Dotan Katz are now friends
Oct 8, 2021
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion THE ZOOM GROUP in ITZI SUPPORT
"I would love to be part of the zoom meetings! I will have to check availability for the dates, but please let me know how to join.
Jan 15, 2019
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion RISING CRIES FOR IMPEACHMENT: The Punch & Judy Show in Washington in WAR & PEACE
"We have seen Trump behaving in a very peculiar way when cameras are around, it’s almost like he is performing, and then, some of his speeches start with him talking about ratings (well, some of the official phone calls with foreigner presidents and…"
May 19, 2017
Dharmavidya replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"When I was young my family moved often because of my father's work. Consequently I went to many different schools. Teachers at school told us things as "facts" but I soon had the attitude "Well, I'll see what they say at the next school." This has…"
Mar 6, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"Agree! That degree of skepticism is actually what makes you a good researcher. I have always been thought that I should always check the facts. Many of my professors told us that it didn’t matter what they said or not said in class, we should check…"
Mar 6, 2017
Dharmavidya replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"It also, of course, has the opposite effect. People start to think that nothing you read is true. A mild degree of scepticism is, I suggest, healthy, but if we reach a point where there are no reliable sources of information then it could be a…"
Mar 6, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion HOW TO MAKE ENEMIES & ANNOY PEOPLE in WAR & PEACE
"Definitely! Stories have two sides both of them responsible, both of them guilty. We can always try to improve, though, we can always try to stop pre-judging based on stereotypes. We can try to read and learn more and we can also try to teach or to…"
Mar 6, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion HOW TO MAKE ENEMIES & ANNOY PEOPLE in WAR & PEACE
"It seems that people dislike immigrants because of stereotypes, it’s the same with religion. They like what they know, what they understand and what for them seems logical. They think that what they hear or read is always true, not matter which is…"
Mar 6, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"My pleasure! I'm trying my best (both with English and Spanish). Someone mentioned in a previous post that Trump has always liked being popular, that he likes showing off. You can see this behaviour when watching his TV show “The apprentice”. He…"
Mar 6, 2017
Dharmavidya replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"Thank you for the translation, Jimena. I was struggling to get the precise meaning with some of the Spanish as my Spanish is far from perfect. I think the question you raise is very important. These are sweeping generalisation, but I think that…"
Mar 2, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion THURSDAY 23 Feb ~ Medical Report in ELEUSIS NEWS
"Soo good to hear that!!!!!!"
Mar 2, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Jimena Balli Garza's discussion VICTIMAS Y VICTIMARIOS in WAR & PEACE
"Definitivamente no podemos hacer a un lado a todos aquellos que participan o son parte de estas situaciones. A mi parecer últimamente nos ha parecido más cómodo apuntar con el dedo a los demás y olvidar el papel que nosotros mismos jugamos en este…"
Feb 19, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion NEW REGIME IN AMERICA ~ What is on the way? in WAR & PEACE
"If there is a terrorist incident, that will give him power but I think it will polarize more the people. I’m guessing some will even say “see this is what your extreme policies cause”. As you said, I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that the same…"
Feb 7, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion IN THE DARK in BUDDHISM
"I’m currently reading a book called The Demon’s Sermon on the Martial Arts: and Other Tales. It’s quite an interesting book, divided in three parts. The first parts talks about Buddhism in daily life, the second part is about Buddhism applied to…"
Feb 6, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Nati's discussion ¿QUÉ ES NEMBUTSU? (Traducción al español de "What is nembutsu?) in BUDDHISM
"Bueno, más que dar las "gracias" agradecer por el hecho de que nos podemos mover. En general, hay que agradecer, Namo Amida Butsu para nosotros"
Jan 30, 2017
Jimena Balli Garza replied to Dharmavidya's discussion "EXTREME VETTING" - euphemism of the week in WAR & PEACE
"Funny thing, before this extreme vetting happened I was listening to a song (not Buddhist, but a really good one) about building walls and it says "I'm building a wall, a fine wall, not so much to keep you out, more to keep me in". When I heard it…"
Jan 30, 2017

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  • Glad to hear that. Enjoy!

  • Hope you are finding your way around here. Imagino que estas en la facilidad con español - hay al menos diez personas en este red que hablan la idioma.

  • Welcome!  Looks like very interesting work you are doing!

    warm welcome,


  • Welcome. Bien venido. I hope you enjoy finding all the interesting things here and make friends.

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