Tell us about yourself - at least 30 words
I work in the science research field in molecular microbiology area. I'm a vet but I also have a Masters in biotechnology and a Masters in Psychology. I'm currently studying a PhD in fish parasitology in Tasmania-Australia.
I'm interested in Neuroscience and I would like to work merging both of my areas.
My home country is Mexico, I'm part of Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai and I also train traditional Japanese martial arts.
How did you hear about Eleusis?
From the Amida Academy
Is your interest...
Attending courses, Join Staff Team, Personal Therapy
Other information / things you can offer
In Mexico, in the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, together with the Reverend we were planning to start a therapy group.
I'm interested in working with Buddhist Therapy.
Glad to hear that. Enjoy!
Hope you are finding your way around here. Imagino que estas en la facilidad con español - hay al menos diez personas en este red que hablan la idioma.
Welcome! Looks like very interesting work you are doing!
warm welcome,
Welcome. Bien venido. I hope you enjoy finding all the interesting things here and make friends.