Here is a scenario. What do you think is going on here? What do you think may happen next? What would you say to Tom or to Mary? Do you think this scenario is common or unusual? How? Why?
Mary was, like many girls, rather frightened of sex as an adol
There is a strong tradition in Buddhism of reciting large numbers of mantras or other holy texts and invocations. These accumulate quantities of merit. Thus, some members of the Amida Shu undertake to recite a million nembutsu in the course of a year
When we read about Chinese or Japanese Buddhism we come across passages that say such things as that the master “eats when hungry, drinks when thirsty, sleeps when tired.” and the like. We might then think, “what is so different about that?” or we mi
The most famous classic of Chan Buddhism (Chinese Zen) is the Platform Sutra 六祖壇經. The sutra presents the teachings of Huineng 慧能 (638-713) [However, the text went through many revisions and the ten chapter edition that is currently taken as authorit
The following is my understanding of the main thrust of early Buddhism.
If we start from the “three signs”, I read them as saying that all samskaras are impermanent and troublesome whereas all Dharmas are non-self. The meaning here is that self, (i.e
Question : "Le bouddhisme est la croyance que des êtres deviennent éclairés, les arhats et les Bouddhas existent". Comment pouvons-nous vraiment savoir cela? J’ignore si j'ai déjà rencontré un Arhat ou un Bouddha. Et si c’est le cas, suis-je même cap
Le pouvoir propre, jiriki, « est le fait de croire que nous pouvons atteindre notre salut par nos seuls efforts » (peu importe la manière dont on conçoit cela). Toutes les écoles bouddhistes cherchent à détruire ce genre d’arrogance, mais elles s’acq
Questions : Qu’est-ce qui vous a amené à passer du Zen à la Terre Pure ? Quand avez-vous su que vous étiez prêt à enseigner ? Pourquoi avez-vous créé Amida Shu au lieu de vous aligner sur Jodo Shu ?
Réponses brèves : Une progression naturelle. La recon
As I predicted a year ago, Turkey in now involved in a genuine invasion of northern Syria. The Syrian war has brought about a stepwise realignment that has more than local implications. The main opponents of the Turks are America's allies, the Kurds.
ANSWER: Spontaneity, nowadays, tends to mean setting aside one's plan or schedule when one is moved or touched emotionally and allowing oneself to respond directly to those
A longing calls me westward along the pilgrim trail; a pilgrim hood I’ll have and a staff and donkey friend, a metal cup to scoop spring water for sweet ale and strong boots for walking to the
I'm in Milan facilitating a workshop on couple relationships. We have looked at how many different schools of psychology and psychotherapy each contributes something important to our understanding of this theme but none can eliminate the mystery comp
It is interesting how memory and experience work. Yesterday morning I was sitting in a classroom for the first time in a long while. I am taking some lessons in Italian language. One of the first things that I remarked was how reticent people were at
On the final morning of the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference I went to a workshop by Jeffrey Zeig called ‘Evocative Approaches to Change’. This experience went some way to redeeming the conference for me. Zeig is the director of the Milton Erick
I am at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Copnference in Anaheim, California. This conference attempts to showcase the best practice in psychotherapy. The presenters are exemplars for the profession and the information presented is intended to shape the
I am currently at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference in Anaheim, California. This conference is organised by the Milton Erickson association, though there seem to be few people here who really practice as Milton Erickson did. It has been inter
QUESTION: In light of Medecin Sans Frontiere’s recent comments on the Rohingya, and the backlash against Aung San Suu Kyi, I wonder if you might be able to post on the site about your thoughts.
SHORT ANSWER: Violence springs from delusion and we str
For several months there has been a political issue live in the UK around what are called ‘impact assessments’. Obviously, with a decision as major as leaving the European Union it is vital that government assess what the consequences are likely to b