Men leest tegenwoordig veel over het Boeddhistisch modernisme. Dit is een beweging die in Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië begon als verzet tegen het kolonialisme. Lokale Boeddhisten wilden hun land als "modern" presenteren en injec
Humans press on forward. It is like an automatic car. The basic state of such a car is to move slowly forward. To get it to stand still while the engine is running one actually has to apply a brake. It will not come to a stop of its own accord.
Here is a list of seventeen major forms of conditioning that shape our lives. Included are the factors that tend to keep us trapped in samsara and also those that make an escape possible.
Root Relation This refers to the presence in or absence from t
Mindfulness is remembrance of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This is most easily done by saying and hearing the Buddha's name. Hence the practice of reciting the name has become widespread in the Buddhist world. Reciting the name when something happens,
Throughout the history of Buddhism there have been controversies about the ideas of irreversibility and of determinism.These are to do with the inevitability (or not) of future arrival at nirvana, either for individuals or for all beings.
3. It is not true that believing that all people are part of one another will necessarily make somebody a better person. People are often careless of themselves.
I’m grateful to have a new and delightful focus, to balance all my feelings about the EU Referendum, the consequent and potential fallout, the political resignations and leadership contests, recent violence in Dallas and the Chilcot Report. The latte
銀碗盛雪 明月藏鷺 類而不斉 混則知處 “A silver bowl full of snow / a white egret hidden in the moonlight / these are not the same / comparing them we can appreciate [our own] place”
This comes from the Jewel Mirror Samadhi, a medieval Chinese
There has been a torrent of words since last week’s UK Referendum vote to leave the EU. Changes upon changes to unstabilised political parties. Our newspapers and TV screens are filled with news of behind the scenes
Saigyo and Dogen were both independent Buddhist monks. Saigyo was, perhaps, even more independent than Dogen in that he seems never to have been strongly identified with one sect, although he clearly did have a great respect for Kukai and, therefore,