There is an old story, you may have heard it, called
The Story Of The Perfect Heart
Once upon a time, in a certain place, there was a competition for the perfect heart. Various people entered the competition. Each one opened his body and showed his h
We zien allemaal dat de coronacrisis een nieuwe fase ingaat. We zijn gekomen tot een situatie waarin de grote meerderheid van de landen in de wereld heeft geaccepteerd dat een lockdown nodig was, in sommige gebieden is hij strenger dan in andere. So
In the early 1980s I left my work in Government Social Services and set up a small counselling centre. There, Jenny Biancardi and I saw clients and ran courses. We also travelled all over the country giving trainings to nurses and social workers. We
A correspondent has asked me about retreats. In this present time of the covid crisis it’s difficult for us to meet or to all go to the temple to do a retreat together with a teacher.
So, how does one do a retreat on one’s own? In many places in the
My parents took me to Cyrus when I was three years old; so, I spent most of my very early formative years on the island. I remember it as a rather idyllic period, despite the fact that towards the end of that time there were many political troubles d
In August there will be an on-line ceremony for admittance to the Amida Shu and Order. This will also be a time when anybody who has not taken refuge but wishes to can do so and also when anyone who has taken refuge in the past and wishes to reaffir
A correspondent has written to me about the sudden death of a close friend. In this time of the virus we are all, in a certain way, surrounded by death. And sometimes those close to us die, but in a time like this it often isn’t practical to go to th
I spend a lot of my time working in my garden. Some of this is practical in the sense that it’s to do with growing food, but a lot of it is about creating a space that’s beautiful and peaceful and welcoming, a place where people can feel at ease.
In June I did a podcast about the Sincere Mind. The Sincere Mind is one of the three minds that were written about by the great Pureland Teacher Shan Dao.
The second of these three minds is the Profound Mind. When we say that we are profoundly affect
I would like to share the following words with you:
“Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word ‘happy’ would loose it’s meaning, if it was not balanced by sadness. It’s far better to take things as they come along – with
These days I live alone in a rustic farmhouse set deep in the countryside. Living alone I can follow my own rhythm. I go to sleep when I’m tired, I get up when I wake. Perhaps I go outside and enjoy the calm atmosphere of the dawn before the sun has
In response to Vajrapala’s request that I might describe the Buddhist teaching on death, here is what I have heard. Some parts of this, through near-death experiences, samadhi, and memories of innocent childhood, I have conscious awareness of having
In de on-line orderbijeenkomst van afgelopen zaterdag heb ik gezegd dat ik in verband met de huidige wereldcrisis, veroorzaakt door de komst van een virus waarvoor we nog geen genezing hebben, een gelukkig pessimist ben.
In antwoord op het verzoek van Vajrapala om de boeddhistische leer over de dood te beschrijven, is dit wat ik heb gehoord. Sommige delen hiervan, via bijna-dood-ervaringen, samadhi, en herinneringen aan een onschuldige kindertijd, heb ik bewust erv
In the on-line order meeting this past Saturday I said that in relation to the current world crisis caused by the arrival of a virus for which, as yet, we have no cure, I am a happy pessimist. I’ll say a little more on this sub
Saigyo (1118-1190) was a wandering poet monk in Japan. He is one of the most famous Japanese poets. He wrote more than fifteen hundred poems, many of which became famous. His poetry reflects his life as a rather solitary wanderer, often spending t