Podcast de Amida Shu 25: 25 de mayo de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
En el podcast de hoy explico el significado de nembutsu desde la perspectiva de Amida Shu. El nembutsu a menudo es salmodiado como parte de las reuniones Budistas o puedes cantarl
Dear friends, the Prime Minister of England, Boris Johnson, is now in intensive care. If we weren't taking the virus seriously until now this piece of news probably will make us do so. The disease, the virus, the pandemic does not resp
I’d like to talk about the mala. A mala or rosary is the one piece of equipment that you should have. As a Pureland Buddhist especially you must have a mala.
In Buddhism there is an analysis of the sense into their organs, their power and their objec
Podcast 75 del 2 settembre 2020, tradotto da Angela Romani
La notte scorsa ho visto la bellissima luna piena. Siamo nel periodo di luna piena in questa stagione e questa particolare luna piena è significativa nel buddismo. E' chiamata luna di miele.
In the last couple of podcasts, I’ve been talking about the pratyaya of object relation: the principle that the mind is conditioned by its object; and one of the sub-principles that came out of this was, that if you change the object, you change the
In today's podcast I explain the meaning of nembutsu from the Amida Shu perspective. Nembutsu is often chanted as part of Buddhist gatherings or you can sing it as you go for a walk on your own or in front of a home altar/shrine.
Podcast de Amida Shu 22: 19 de mayo de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Mary está con su novio Tom. Están en un restaurante. Mary le está hablando a Tom sobre unas cortinas que ha visto en una tienda y que quiere comprar. Tom está tratando de escuchar
I’d like to say some more about the pratyaya that the mind is conditioned by its object and I’d like to say something about how this relates to spiritual practice, therapy, and spiritual cultivation.
Mind is conditioned by its object – so it is impor
Podcast de Amida Shu 20: 15 de mayo de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Hace muchos años estuve en Tailandia, en Bangkok, y me quedé en uno de los grandes templos Budistas de allí, un templo Theravada; y cuando llegué, noté que había una gran pancarta
There is some really important common ground between spiritual practice and art. In fact, one could possibly say that spiritual practice is the ultimate art. Just as we have music and painting and poetry and various forms of art, each of which has a
Podcast de Amida Shu 15: 5 de mayo de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Entonces, ¿cómo estoy viviendo las Cuatro Nobles Verdades en este momento? Bueno, lo primero de todo, hay dukkha, y todos estamos en medio de cierto dukkha, que es la pandemia. Fra
The mind is conditioned by its object. This is one of the fundamental principles of Buddhist psychology. The mind is conditioned in many ways. These ways of conditioning the mind are called pratyaya.
So, there are many pratyayas and one of the most i
Er bestaan echt een aantal belangrijke raakvlakken tussen de spirituele praktijk en de kunst. In feite zou men kunnen zeggen dat spirituele praktijk de ultieme kunst is. Net zoals we muziek, schilderkunst en poëzie hebben en verschillende andere vorm
Ici, en France, le confinement en est à son 18ème jour. Face à cette situation, les gens ont des réactions différentes. Certains sont très anxieux, certains sont déprimés. Certaines perso
Geplaatst door Tineke Osterloh op 6 augustus 2020 en vertaald in het Nederlands door Vajrapala
Een correspondent heeft me geschreven over het plotselinge overlijden van een goede vriend. In deze tijden van het virus zijn we allemaal, op een bepaalde
Podcast 06, 17 avril 2020traduction Annette Tamuly Jung
Dans ce podcast, j’aimerais vous expliquer la signification du Soutra du Cœur. Si vous avez étudié le bouddhisme, je suis sûr que vous avez connaissance du Soutra du Cœur. Je suis sûr que vous
Back in the 1990s, I edited a book called Beyond Carl Rogers. Carl Rogers was one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century and I had met him on a number of occasions. His ideas, his principles, his enthusiasm had been quite an influe