This morning as we had a delicious drawn out breakfast here in Petach Tikwa near Tal Aviv, a massive thunder storm developed lashing the building with wind and rain. Vimala shared with us a story from the Talmud that has provoked many different inte
In the last podcast I talked about the monks and the bodhisattvas. As soon as we think them, we are inspired by heroic ideals. We see the possibility of a life of purity or, alternatively, of complete altruism.
Le bodhisattva, ayant fait demi-tour, vit la vie comme un don, et non comme une affaire commerciale. Il la vit dans la miséricorde plutôt que dans la justice.
Nous avons vu comment le fait de se détourner de l'engagement dans la vie c
This is a list of the 5 minute podcasts sent out in July
All podcasts are by Dharmavidya David Brazier. They are about 5 minutes long and deal with Buddhist topics from a Pureland perspective, often in relation to current affairs.
Voor sommige mensen merk ik, is Amidisme bijna een monotheïsme. Wij komen uit een cultuur waar het monotheïsme een paar duizend jaar heeft gedomineerd en waar oorlogen zijn gevoerd over welke de juiste monotheïstische godheid is en zelfs over kleine
We are all wearing masks these days to protect us and others from the transmission of the virus. In this podcast I would like to talk about psychological masks.
We can, perhaps, agree that we often put on a psychological mask in order to cope with th
Following on from my last two podcasts I would like to say that the aim in this kind of spiritual life is not that one not experience pain. The aim – if we can call it that - is that one emerges from a travail, whatever it is, as a wiser, kinder pers
In some of this weekend’s zoom meetings we have been discussing the relationship between or balance or how you handle strong emotions against the Buddhist principle of equanimity. This is the kind of challenge we all face from time to time.
In reading Buddhist and Daoist materials, a significant problem for Western readers is the fact that there is a difference of value attached to quite basic things. Thus, in the West, full is good, empty is bad. An optimist sees the glass as half fu
At the beginning of many of the great Mahayana sutras, the Buddha is surrounded by an assembly, and this assembly is described, at the beginning of the sutra, and there are various groups of people and beings present; and the first two groups that ar
In both turning away and turning toward the element of faith is of crucial importance. Without it the turning does not complete because, panicking inside, we cling on to our old ways. In the case of turning away, one might arrive at th
In antwoord op een reactie van een lezer nog dit :
De Anapanasati en Satipatthana waren leerstellingen die belangrijk waren voor de Boeddha. Dit waren essentiële zaken waarvan hij wilde dat de discipelen ze zouden vasthouden. De vraag is dus wat z
Le terme paravritti est souvent traduit par une expression qui paraît un peu pompeuse à savoir : tourner autour du siège de la conscience. Ce type de traduction n'est pas faux et je l'ai utilisé moi-même, mais je dois admettre qu'il donne probablem
Nem or nen means mindfulness. It means that which occupies the mind. We all know that our minds are occupied with all kinds of matters. There are the practical matters of day to day life, the bigger and smaller decisions,
Koans are usually associated with Zen and the term Anjin is usually associated with Pureland so nobody ever writes about a relationship between them. However, if we pan back and look at the general configuration of Buddhis
In de aanpak die nu bekend staat als Inzicht Meditatie, bestaat de praktijk uit twee fasen. De eerste is om de geest te kalmeren en de tweede is "het onderzoeken van de ware aard van de dingen zoals ze zijn". Met andere woorden, r
This is a list of the 5 minute podcasts sent out in June
All podcasts are by Dharmavidya David Brazier. They are about 5 minutes long and deal with Buddhist topics from a Pureland perspective, often in relation to current affairs.