This is a list of the 5 minute podcasts sent out in May
All podcasts are by Dharmavidya David Brazier. They are about 5 minutes long and deal with Buddhist topics from a Pureland perspective, often in relation to current affairs.
Shariputra said: "Herein a monk lives spreading thoughts of goodwill in all directions. He lives spreading them everywhere, in every way, to the entire world, abundantly, boundlessly, unrestictedly, peaceably, benevolently. He lives spreading thought
Dragons also take refuge in Amida Buddha. The dragons are proud of their role as defenders of the Dharma. They roar around on their motorbikes and scare off ghosts, demons and anyone who seems to represent a threat. However, all these threats only ex
This is a list of the 5 minute podcasts sent out in April.
All podcasts are by Dharmavidya David Brazier. They are about 5 minutes long and deal with Buddhist topics from a Pureland perspective, often in relation to current affairs.
One reads a good deal these days about Buddhist modernism. This is a movement that began in South and South East Asia as a resistance to colonialism. Local Buddhists wanted to present their countries as “modern” and so injected a
In my Dharma talk today I suggested that we are now in the fourth age of the Dharma. In the first age of the Dharma Buddha Shakyamuni was still in this world or had recently passed away and people became enlightened by direct encounter with him or wi
Buddhism praises awareness, especially awareness of presently arisen states. There is a value in being aware of what is arising, being aware of what is persisting, what is fading away. Thus I might notice that a feeling of sadness is arising, or tha
Het centrale element in de praktijk van het Zuiverland Boeddhisme is de nembutsu. Nembutsu betekent samenzijn met de Boeddha. Boeddhisten "nemen toevlucht" in het samenzijn met de Boeddha. Zo eenvoudig is het. Dit is de reden waarom boeddhisten b
In mijn Dagelijks Onderricht sprak ik gisteren over de nembutsu als sleutel om toegang te krijgen tot de Trikaya Boeddha. Ik zei dat andere spirituele paden andere sleutels hebben. Een daarvan is zeker het Jezus Gebed van
C’est l’histoire d’une personne en route pour sa ville natale (« Hometown »). Elle pense qu’elle connaît le chemin et conduit. Et puis, tout à coup, elle se rend compte que tout lui est inconnu. Elle réalise qu’elle est perdue. Puis elle aperçoit
Buddhism talks a good deal about shunyata, emptiness. What is this emptiness? The earliest Buddhist texts provide a psychology of what we could call the point mind - a mind without content. Our modern (and later Buddhist) psychologies speak
Nem of nen betekent mindfulness. Het betekent dat wat de geest bezighoudt. We weten allemaal dat onze geest met allerlei zaken bezig is. Er zijn de praktische zaken van het dagelijkse leven, de grotere en kleinere beslissinge
I have just come back from the conference of Buddhist teachers in Europe. While I was there I heard much discussion about secularisation and how it is necessary to secularise the Dharma in order to make it palatable to modern people. Personally, I am
Faith (shraddha) arises in the condition of dukkha, says Buddha in the Nidana Vagga in the Samyuta Nikaya. Dukkha is the circumstance of our being sensitive to living in a world of suffering, a world of birth and death. If we were not sent
Most people have little or no idea about the goal of Buddhism. When I realised this, I published the book “Not Everything is Impermanent”. Most people said, “But I thought that Buddhism taught that everything is impermanent.” Only those who
On a, récemment frappé à ma porte et je me suis retrouvé en conversation avec deux Témoins de Jéhovah. Je leur ai dit que j'étais bouddhiste. Ils m'ont immédiatement demandé si j'étais un bouddhiste religieux ou un bouddhiste philosophe. Je leur
Een tijdje geleden beantwoordde ik een klop op mijn deur en kwam ik in gesprek met twee Jehovah's Getuigen. Ik vertelde hen dat ik boeddhist was. Ze vroegen meteen of ik een religieuze boeddhist of een filosofische boeddhist was. Ik antwoordde zon
A little while ago I answered a knock on my door and found myself in conversation with two Jehovah’s Witnesses. I told them I was Buddhist. They immediately asked if I was a religious Buddhist or a philosophical Buddhist. I replied, without hesita
Paravritti, se retourner, c'est la négation. Faire demi-tour ou abandonner est la négation de quelque chose qui était auparavant considéré comme important.
Les Occidentaux sont souvent perplexes devant la façon dont, bien souvent, les enseignemen