This morning my homily to the dragons was on kindness. After all, dragons must learn kindness too and they have their special contribution. The Dharma is not just about kind folk remaining kind nor just nice people being nice. Buddha nature will alw
Une façon courante d'expliquer le karma est d'utiliser l'idée de bija. Un bija est une "graine karmique". On peut penser à des graines karmiques plantées dans le sol de l'esprit. Une graine peut rester longtemps dans le sol avant que ne surviennent
In Karma 1 introduceerde ik het meest gekende idee van karma als een morele winst-en-verliesrekening waarin het goede wordt beloond en het slechte zijn daarmee corresponderende negatieve effecten oogst. Er zijn echter diepgaandere ideeën over karma d
Much of what I have learnt as Buddhism over the years appears to be topsy-turvy. Although there is a well established idea of what Buddhism is, this is deceptive. There is a hidden meaning within Buddhism that most do not see. The hidden meaning is
Shan Tao heeft het over De Drie Geesten - Oprechte geest, Diepe Geest en Een geest die verdiensten transfereert voor Ojo. Ojo betekent geboorte in de aanwezigheid van Boeddha. Door de christelijke associatie zou men kunnen terugdeinzen voor het idee
Buddha came from a “yellow” race, Jesus and Mahommet from a “brown” one. Nobody who claims to follow in the footsteps of these great teachers should be making decisions based on a hierarchy of skin colour. They didn’t. They gave teachings that were u
In The 37-Bon-Bodai-Bunpo, Dogen says “prevention of that which has not yet occurred is called the Buddhadharma”. This is said in the context of his commentary upon “The Four Kinds of Right Restraint” which is a classical Buddhist teaching. The four
Voici le premier d'une série de courts essais, dans lesquels je commenterai le terme paravritti qui joue un rôle important dans de nombreux textes bouddhistes. Le mot est très proche dans son sens de celui d’ « illumi
On the one hand, Buddhism is a broad church or umbrella under which many diverse ideas and methods can cluster. Currently there are many popular methods that have some Buddhist connection. Thus we have mindfulness, qi gong, and ra
In the approach known now as Insight Meditation, there are two phases to practise. The first is to calm the mind and the second is “looking into the true nature of things as they are”. In other words, calm is a basis for the developm
In het leven van Sidhartha Gotama, die later Shakyamuni Boeddha werd, zijn er twee grote keerpunten. Beide zijn voorbeelden van paravritti, van het terugblikken.
Het eerste keerpunt is naar aanleiding van zijn vertrek. Ons w
I am often asked how one can select a good teacher. How is one to know if somebody is genuine or not? This seems to be a big worry for some people. They are wary of being tricked. For Western people to give up even a smidgen of their independence is
In Buddhism there is a theory of conditioning. All conditioned things are impermanent. Buddhism is a religion that is about transcending impermanence and reaching the Deathless - nirvana. However, by definition, one cannot reach the unconditioned sim
SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS IS NOT MEDITATION We should ask ourselves, what is meditation, really? Meditation is surely not sitting still and silent while one’s mind wanders all over, even if, from time to time, one achieves some self-consciousness of what is
Het doel van zelfkracht is om zichzelf te doven. Zelfkracht Boeddhisme is een soort van uitroeiingsboeddhisme: door de kracht van het zelf, het zelf tot nul-conditie brengen. Wanneer het zelf nul is, is alles wat