(trascrizione e traduzione a cura di Carlotta Bersani)
Allora, come mi trovo a vivere le quattro nobili verità in questo momento? Beh, prima di tutto, c'è il dukkha, e siamo tutti nel bel mezzo di un certo dukkha, che è la pandemia. La Francia è colp
We are all living under lockdown and sharing stories about what it’s like. I’m here in France where the lockdown is pretty strict. When it was first announced, we were told that we should make no journeys that are not absolutely essential. So about t
Podcast 49:12 luglio 2020; tradotto da Angela Romani
Il quarto skanda è samskara. Il Budda dice che i samskara sono dukkha e anicca, sono afflittivi e sono impermanenti. Dice anche che i dharma, le cose reali, che in questo caso sono in contrasto con
Podcast de Amida Shu 07: 18 de abril de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Espero que esto no sea demasiado técnico, abstruso o complejo. Me gustaría intentar explicar aquí por qué mi comprensión del Sutra del Corazón es algo diferente a la forma en que
Mary is with her boyfriend Tom. They’re at a restaurant. Mary is telling Tom about some curtains that she has seen in a shop that she wants to buy. Tom is trying to listen to Mary but he finds that his mind keeps wandering to the next-door table. At
In Pureland Buddhism there is no need for meditation in a formal sense because we have the nembutsu, which is all the mind training that we need. Nonetheless we have a system of meditation as an auxiliary practice - auxiliary in the sense that it dee
De tijd is aangebroken dat we beginnen na te denken over de Bodhi Retreat. De Bodhi Retreat is een retraite, een bijeenkomst van de Sangha in december rond de tijd van 8 december, de Bodhi Dag, wanneer we de verlichting van Shakyamuni Boeddha vieren.
I was once travelling in an area of high mountains. I was driving an old van, and I went to visit a monastery that was at the head of a remote valley in the mountains. The journey there took longer than I had anticipated and when I finally arrived it
Vanmorgen zag ik een verslag over hoe de burgers van Kathmandu nu voor het eerst in 30 jaar de Himalaya vanuit hun huis kunnen zien. Dat komt omdat de smog is opgeruimd... en dat uitzicht op de Himalaya is adembenemend mooi. Ik herinner me dat ik zel
Hier in Frankrijk is de lockdown nu aan de 18de dag. Mensen hebben veel verschillende reacties op deze situatie. Sommige mensen zijn bang, sommige mensen hebben veel angst, sommige mensen zijn depressief. Sommige mensen voelen een soort van vrolijkh
I’m going to talk about a Buddhist altar or shrine; and I’m thinking about the kind that you might set up in your own house, either as a permanent fixture on a table or a shelf, or that you might set up for a particular, special occasion or ceremony.
Here in France the lockdown is now on its 18th day. People have many different reactions to this situation. Some people are frightened, some people have a lot of anxiety, some people are depressed. Some people are feeling a kind of alacrity, an exube
In het spirituele leven, of men zou kunnen zeggen in het filosofische leven, wordt men aangemoedigd om over zichzelf na te denken. ‘Ken uzelf' is een fundament van de westerse filosofische traditie. Men zou kunnen denken dat ook in het boeddhisme he
I heard a story on the BBC about how K-Pop fans are emerging as a socio-political force. If you have a large number of people who co-ordinate their efforts, you can thereby influence what trends on social media; and this in turn influences what is in
Vandaag, 8 april, is het de verjaardag van de Boeddha, althans in de Japanse traditie - dus in Zen, in Zuiverland, enzovoort. Boeddha's verjaardag, 8 april, is het Bloemenfestival. Veel geluk krijg ik terug van de Boeddha!