Een kort overzicht van de Go I - The Five Ranks (Ch. Wu wei; Jap. Go I 五位) een vroeg Chinees boeddhistisch onderricht van Dongshan Liangjie 洞山良价 (807-869), [algemeen beschouwd als de grondlegger van de Cao Dong School van Chan Boeddhisme (Soto Shu i
One of the basic principles of our approach, as was established by Honen Shonen, is that faith and practice cannot be differentiated. The spiritual and the concrete are not separate.
Years ago, when I was a social worker, I worked in various hospital
This morning I saw a report about how the citizens of Kathmandu can now see the Himalayas from their homes for the first time in 30 years. This is because the smog has cleared... and that view of the Himalayas is stunningly beautiful. I remember seei
Many years ago I was in Thailand, in Bangkok, and I stayed at one of the big Buddhist temples there, a Theravada Temple; and when I arrived, I noticed that there was a big banner over the front of the temple, and on this banner were the words: “Will-
In the spiritual life, or one might say in the living of philosophy, one is encouraged to reflect upon oneself. ‘Know thyself’ is a foundation of the Western philosophical tradition. One might think that in Buddhism too, looking inward and examining
Podcast de Amida Shu 08: 20 de abril de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Todos podemos ver que la crisis del coronavirus está entrando en una nueva fase. Hemos llegado a una situación en la que la gran mayoría de países del mundo han aceptado que era
The Buddha is often called Shakyamuni, which means: the sage of the Shakyas. Shakyas were a tribal people, who had a small oligarchic republic in what is now Nepal and Northern India. Siddhartha Gautama was the son of, what we in our days, I suppose,
In deze podcast wil ik voor u de betekenis van de Hart Soetra uitleggen. Als je het Boeddhisme hebt bestudeerd, weet ik zeker dat je de Hart Soetra bent tegengekomen. Ik weet zeker dat je veel hebt gehoord over vorm en leegte, en over prajna paramit
Podcast de Amida Shu 06: 17 de abril de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
En este podcast quiero explicar para vosotros el significado del Sutra del Corazón. Si has estudiado Budismo, estoy seguro de que te has topado con el Sutra del Corazón. Estoy se
Today is the 4th of July. In America, this is celebrated as Independence Day; and in Britain, today, this is the day that the government has chosen for a lifting of lockdown. Probably not a co-incidence, these two items, since the British prime minis
Once upon a time, long ago, in Japan (and I think it’s a true story) there was a man called Jiroemon. He was a simple man, a peasant, a workman. He was a member of the Jōdo Shinshū. This is a branch of Pureland Buddhism following the teachings of Shi
Last night I saw the beautiful full moon. We are at the full moon time in this season; and this particular full moon is significant in Buddhism. It’s called the Honey Moon. Honey Moon has a different significance in Buddhism, though also, in a sense,
In Mahayana Buddhism we have the principle of the Trikaya Nature of Buddha. Tri-kaya means literally: three bodies; or you could say: three manifestations of Buddha.
I’d like to try to explain in this teaching a little because it is very central to t
Podcast de Amida Shu 48: 10 de julio de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Continuando con mis dos últimos podcasts, me gustaría decir que el objetivo de este tipo de vida espiritual no es que uno no experimente dolor. El objetivo, si podemos llamarlo a
In questo podcast vorrei dire qualcosa sull'idea del koan. Conosciamo la parola koan da una particolare pratica del buddismo zen in Giappone, Cina e Corea.
L'origine dell'idea risale a tempi remoti in Cina: ad un tirocinant
Podcast de Amida Shu 05: 14 de abril de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Esta mañana vi un informe sobre cómo los ciudadanos de Katmandú pueden ver ahora el Himalaya desde sus hogares por primera vez en 30 años. Esto se debe a que el esmog se ha aclar
Hier is de podcast van vandaag. Het gaat over de "Samenvatting van Geloof en Praktijk", die gebaseerd is op Honen Shonin's "Ichimai Kishomon". De tekst bevat een verwijzing naar een aantal centrale leerstellingen van het Amidisme, waarvan ik er een
Podcast 4, 12 avril 2020 traduction : Annette Tamuly Jung
Dans la vie spirituelle, ou, pourrait-on dire, dans la manière de vivre la philosophie, on est invité à réfléchir sur soi-même. « Connais-toi, toi-même» est le fondement de la tradition philos