Since hearing my first podcast on the Heart Sutra a person has contacted me to tell me that at some time in the past they went to a lecture about the Heart Sutra and that the lecturer took the view that the basic message of the Heart Sutra was that n
Podcast de Amida Shu 23: 21 de mayo de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Aquí está el podcast de hoy. Incluye el "Sumario de fe y práctica", que se basa en "Ichimai Kishomon" de Honen Shonin. El texto incluye referencias a una serie de enseñanzas amidi
Podcast de Amida Shu 45: 4 de julio de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Hoy es 4 de julio. En Estados Unidos, esto se celebra como el Día de la Independencia; y en Gran Bretaña, hoy es el día que el gobierno ha elegido para levantar el confinamiento.
Podcast de Amida Shu 44: 2 de julio de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Existe un terreno común realmente importante entre la práctica espiritual y el arte. De hecho, se podría decir que la práctica espiritual es el arte supremo. Así como la música,
In this talk I want to say something about having the faith to keep one’s mind and heart open.
We live in uncertain times. None of us expected to be in the position that we are in, with this pandemic raging in the world at the moment. Things come un
Here is today's podcast. It includes the "Summary of Faith and Practice", that is based on Honen Shonin's "Ichimai Kishomon". The text includes reference to a number of central Amidist teachings, some of which I shall refer to in other podcasts and
Podcast de Amida Shu 35: 14 de junio de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Introducción al podcast
Aquí está el podcast de hoy. Se trata de cómo el nembutsu se define por la intención sincera de uno. La sinceridad es una de las tres dimensiones de la me
Here is the latest podcast. It concerns the Buddhist teaching of pratityasamutpada - dependent origination or conditional arising. The Buddha defined his own enlightenment in terms of his having fully grasped the meaning of dependent arising both for
Podcast 22, 19 mai 2020 traduction : Annette Tamuly Jung
Mary est en compagnie de son ami Tom. Ils sont dans un restaurant. Mary parle à Tom des rideaux qu’elle a vus dans un magasin et qu’elle souhaite acheter. Tom essaie d’écouter Mary, mais il con
Podcast 9, 30 avril 2020 traduction : Annette Tamuly Jung
Nous sommes tous confinés et partageons nos impressions sur cette situation. Je me trouve ici, en France où le confinement est très strict. Au début, lorsque le confinement a été annoncé, on n
Podcast 8, 20 avril 2020 traduction : Annette Tamuly Jung
Nous pouvons tous constater que la crise du coronavirus est entrée dans une nouvelle phase. Nous sommes parvenus à un point où la grande majorité des pays du monde a accepté le fait qu’un conf
I think it was C. G. Jung who coined the term “Mid-Life Crisis”. In his system it went with his idea of psychological types. Jung developed a typology of personalities or psychological functions, which was based on four different styles. You may rem
Here is the latest podcast. It is about Yelui Chu Tsai 耶律楚材 (1190-1244), a Buddhist Confucian Taoist, who was an enlightened politician in a period of war, genocide, oppression and chaos.
Somebody has asked me to tell the story of Yelui Chu Tsai, wh
Podcast de Amida Shu 01: 4 de abril de 2020: traducido por Nando Maril
Aquí en Francia, el bloqueo se encuentra ahora en su día 18. La gente tiene muchas reacciones diferentes a esta situación. Algunas personas tienen miedo, algunas personas tienen m
Podcast 84 del 20 settembre 2020 tradotto da Angela Romani
In questo weekend c'è il solstizio d'estate, il giorno più lungo dell'anno, con più luce. Potrebbe essere il giorno più felice dell'anno, abbiamo il massimo del sole. Certo, quando la luce ra
When I look at history in a very broad sense, I see that civilizations come and go. There have been many. They arise, they prosper, they decline and they fall. Sometimes, a civilization falls and is quickly replaced by another one, a new culture that